Sustainability & Alcohol Free Beer

Beer with less than 0.5% alcohol by volume is known as alcohol free beer, non alcoholic beer, or low alcohol beer (ABV). There is no alcohol and fewer calories in this kind of beer, thus it is promoted as a lighter option. However, the manufacture of non-alcoholic beer may have a considerable impact on the environment, and this has raised concerns about the brew's long-term viability.

The Rise in Sales of Beer Without Alcohol 

While it hasn't yet caught on at the same rate as regular beer, alcohol free beer has been growing in popularity in recent years as consumers seek out drinks with reduced or no alcohol content. Negative effects of alcohol in beer are outweighed by their positive effects on the environment.

Reduced Production Processes' Need for Water 

Low or no alcohol content in beer can help save water during the brewing process, which is a major advantage. One litre of beer requires between three and six litres of water throughout the brewing process. However, because the fermentation process for alcohol free beer is shorter and uses fewer components, it takes far less water to manufacture. The manufacturing of alcohol free beer has a smaller ecological footprint and is more sustainable than the production of regular beer.

Production Waste Is Reduced

There is less waste created while making alcohol free beer, which is another perk. Waste products from traditional beer brewing, such as discarded grains, hops, and yeast, can have an adverse effect on environmental quality if not handled correctly. Conversely, because the fermentation process for alcohol free beer is shorter and uses fewer materials, less waste is produced. This means that the manufacturing of alcohol free beer is more sustainable and leaves less of an impact on the environment than the production of regular beer.

Options For Smaller Packaging

Alcohol free beer might be more environmentally friendly than regular beer because it often comes in less containers. In contrast to beer kegs, the cans and bottles used to package alcohol free drinks are much simpler to recycle. In addition to less material being utilised in production as a result of the packaging's smaller size, this also contributes to the product's reduced environmental effect.

How Things Are Made & What Goes into It

While there are certain environmental advantages to making and drinking alcohol free beer, the manufacturing method and ingredients must be taken into account when assessing the product's overall sustainability. It's possible that the production of some alcohol free beers has an adverse effect on the environment because they include artificial components or are processed in ways that need a lot of energy.

Packaging Resources & Waste Management

A major factor in whether or not alcohol free beer can be considered sustainable is the materials used in its packaging and the subsequent disposal methods. Some packing materials, like plastic, aren't as easily recycled as others, and throwing them out the wrong way can add to pollution and waste.

A Traditional Beer vs Non Alcoholic Beer

Therefore, for people who are trying to cut down on their alcohol use or are concerned about their influence on the environment, alcohol free beer may be a better option. In order to make an educated decision about which alternative is the most sustainable, however, it is vital to thoroughly analyse the sustainability of alcohol free beer and compare it to ordinary beer.


The production method, ingredients, and packaging all contribute to the long-term viability of alcohol free beer. While there is still some environmental effect from drinking alcohol free beer, there are several positives compared to regular beer, such as reduced water use, less waste, and more eco-friendly packaging alternatives.

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